1st it's Kris Philips. a.k.a 費翔. Many would describe him as an uncle with some sissy behavior. He's bought back into the mainstream years ago in Happy Sunday by Momoko, 陶晶瑩. It's was then I found his voice so powerful & sort of idolised his charm.
Still remember when I served myself in Wingsmusicafe KL in year 2005, I won a pair of tickets to his concert held in Genting. Then I offered my HK tripmate & he drove all the way up there. With his not-to-play-play BGQ 1690. Though at that time it's not tranformable. Or else it would saved us lots of energy & $. Haha.
Stunned by his performance. His voice is truly to be reckon with. Even AK impressed & support me the concert is better than SHE's. Let me clarify: AK was a huge SHE fan back then & he's never knew who 費翔 is he appeared on stage. Free things sure caught his attention. Trust me!!
& then it's Hugh Jackman. Best known 4 his savage playrole Wolverine in the wildly popular series X-Men. I like X-Men very much but his role as Wolvie might be abit too tall. But anyway he's among the only 1 or 2 acceptable character in the movie series. The rest were...erm...>_<
I like him best in The Prestige. Which I enjoyed very very much. With the hunky body & not so good acting, he's still managed to impressed. Now I was shocked. With his vids on Youtube. He's talented on stage. It's just brilliant with his killer charm & the bon-bon shaking. Anyway his voice is somehow duckie...though it's great effortlessly.
Here's 4 the sharing.
Amazed?! I do. 100%. Till the day I'm at the age of theirs now & I owned the talents like they do...Or at least the look like they do, I'm STILL amazed.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Monday, July 30, 2007
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Suck Haagen-Dazs Dry?!
Asked Donald Duck to come & pick me up aroumd 7pm. Told Tam-Chiak AK to wait in Sunway. But then duckie was late & AK is super punctual miraculously. So, silly SMS followed. & 1 of those is: "Fast fast! Wait I pit kau lan like Ah Pau how?" Haha. It's type of joke which some of my gang knows. Hope they don't mind 4 me being so straight this time.
I chose Sunway trying to catch a glimpse of my idol at the roadshow of the brand he represents. But both turned me down. Haagen-Dazs there had moved & my idol not seen again. Sighh...Ended up in Nando's. Silly duckie ordered a Extra Hot peri-peri chic kebab, & finished it with a whole plate of super hot sauce-mix. Shock ma! Accordingly. Then his face starts turned colourful. Pale & sesated. Poor him. Erm...padan muka also.
Not satisfied with the voucher expiring due. We checked with the receptionist in Sunway. "If I"m not mistaken the nearest 1 will be in Subang Parade." The lady with the expression & tune so muak. We headed there & proven she's mistake. Finally we've decided to go all the way to Bukit Bintang. Knowing it'll closed only at 1am.
"The thing is nice. But when it's FREE it's much more nicer." AK told duckie halfway. A fren so proud & generous to drive only when something free waiting, I must say.
After the long journey & the terrible jammed. At last we're there. Ordered a fondue. But abit dissapointed knowing the flavors are fixed & not selectable. & the taste is covered by the dark chocolate sauce after we dipped it in. The fondue is served with 14 mini scoops, some sliced fresh fruits, cookies & cake cubes. It's kinda plain actually though the quality is there. & personally I enjoyed the cake cubes very much. & we found it's nicer leaving the choc to turned cold on the dipper, forcing a choc sheild then only the real taste comes in.
AK ordered another single scoop of his all time favourite Green Tea flavour. 4 me another Mango & Panna Cota Raspberry. Single both. I rather indulged myself with the finest ice-cream with some gang in the relaxing envi. It's better than the fondue honestly. I left 1 of my favourite Tiramisu, on the God know when coming visit to Jogoya. Where they offer 6 free flow Haagen-Dazs flavors. Haha.
Cost me quite an amount just to get some source on blogging. Told AK again. He's always brightest in funny ideas. Then 2 of them peed in the open ground car park before we heading home late at 1 something. & put an end to the "Suck him dry. Suck her dry. Suck Kao." topic we've been laughing about the whole nite. Haha. Anyway, it's quite of a fun nite.

Counting Down...

They've announced officially 3 new legs on their upcoming world tour. Quite sad though our beloved country is not 1 of those. Nor Singapore. The newest, & nearest they'll dropped over is Shanghai. Which is quite good at least. I've got someplace parasite-able if I'm gonna fly over then.
Just can't wait. 4 some other possible new cities. 4 the release & confirmation of their ultimate tickets on-sale. Hope I'm 1 in the lucky list!!
Then the latest of their publicity new look. Slick. According to most media sources. Damn. Let's hope some of my kind fren & those greedy gang would at least vote 4 them to have the closest encounter possibility here. 4 the hyppo's sake.
PS: I'll feature some their songs & the solo materials way down the page here. Kinda sesat already it seemed. Haha.
Friday, July 27, 2007
New Look Here!
After days of sleepless nite facing the eye-blinding PC screen, with the smelly uniform on, blogging some nonsense over my HK trip, suddenly I came up with the idea to give my blog a new look.
Crazed over the Spice mania lately, I've searched 4 some nice pics of the aunties...yeah, indeed...& attached them over Photobucket. Thus, I arranged them in an slide & presented over here. But I seemed that Photobucket is abit too slow & took quite a while to get it shown. But anyway, I just having my own fun.
Some of my fav links added. I've always read some of the Wings member's blogs but I never linked them here. It's kind of a joy knowing what they've been thru & what we can learn from. What's better than knowing your frens out there living colourful life & struggling up and downs? We might get long lost, but it's up to us to stay connected isn't it?
& of course the celebs. Many would have thought I'm childish to chasing celebs & some silly acts followed. But when I looked back some of the autographs, it does bring back some memories. & it's always fun. Like erm...with AK in Sunway during Fish Leong promo? Or with Biawak in Genting peeping Jolin? Kind of some good fun memories. & bout the celebs...when you've got someone you idoled 4 years, why stopped? Unless they're so so different. Brit 4 example perhaps?
It's a short period only since I've started my keyboard here. & it's addictive. & it's not going to finished. Maybe just yet. Haha.
PS: Not satisfied with Photobucket, I've changed the look yet again with Slide.com. So far, this is what representing the fever BEST!
Crazed over the Spice mania lately, I've searched 4 some nice pics of the aunties...yeah, indeed...& attached them over Photobucket. Thus, I arranged them in an slide & presented over here. But I seemed that Photobucket is abit too slow & took quite a while to get it shown. But anyway, I just having my own fun.
Some of my fav links added. I've always read some of the Wings member's blogs but I never linked them here. It's kind of a joy knowing what they've been thru & what we can learn from. What's better than knowing your frens out there living colourful life & struggling up and downs? We might get long lost, but it's up to us to stay connected isn't it?
& of course the celebs. Many would have thought I'm childish to chasing celebs & some silly acts followed. But when I looked back some of the autographs, it does bring back some memories. & it's always fun. Like erm...with AK in Sunway during Fish Leong promo? Or with Biawak in Genting peeping Jolin? Kind of some good fun memories. & bout the celebs...when you've got someone you idoled 4 years, why stopped? Unless they're so so different. Brit 4 example perhaps?
It's a short period only since I've started my keyboard here. & it's addictive. & it's not going to finished. Maybe just yet. Haha.
PS: Not satisfied with Photobucket, I've changed the look yet again with Slide.com. So far, this is what representing the fever BEST!
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
It's Voting Time!!
The best news since Spice Girls officially announced their regrouping worldwide concert. Not in Malaysia. Not in Singapore. Just maybe. With their Spice City voting agenda.
Of course 4 most of the people out there would don't even bother they're back or not. But thing is it's kinda a chance to rehearse old memories. They songs we've been addicted to & the stories once related. They moved on. So do we.
The nearest country they've confirmed to visit are Hong Kong & Beijing. Australia if I wouldn't mind about my budget. I would really prefer a BIG concert among Westerners whom would make the occasion happening. But IF only I get the opportunity. & I do hope so.
Now they've come with the idea of Spice City. The city with the most votes will bring 5 of them there. Not sure if it's only a city or what. Perhaps it's a tactic to survey on where should they bring themselves in. Nevertheless I'm hoping they'll at least cross Singapore which I'll 100% kill 4 the concert ticket.
So...please help me vote. Like them or hate them. Malaysia or Singapore. In the link to the absolute Spice on the right. The $ I saved from travelling far would be nice to spend among frens. How bout indulging ourselves with Haagen-Dazs ice cream, AK? Haha. For Geylang King...記得食will do...
Of course 4 most of the people out there would don't even bother they're back or not. But thing is it's kinda a chance to rehearse old memories. They songs we've been addicted to & the stories once related. They moved on. So do we.
The nearest country they've confirmed to visit are Hong Kong & Beijing. Australia if I wouldn't mind about my budget. I would really prefer a BIG concert among Westerners whom would make the occasion happening. But IF only I get the opportunity. & I do hope so.
Now they've come with the idea of Spice City. The city with the most votes will bring 5 of them there. Not sure if it's only a city or what. Perhaps it's a tactic to survey on where should they bring themselves in. Nevertheless I'm hoping they'll at least cross Singapore which I'll 100% kill 4 the concert ticket.
So...please help me vote. Like them or hate them. Malaysia or Singapore. In the link to the absolute Spice on the right. The $ I saved from travelling far would be nice to spend among frens. How bout indulging ourselves with Haagen-Dazs ice cream, AK? Haha. For Geylang King...記得食will do...

Friday, July 13, 2007
It's A Beautiful 2 Days!
It was a kinda rushy evening. & I was busy with the duties in my outlet. There were alot of tourist as the shop is in Bukit Bintang. Thus everything is kinda packed. But the atmo is still enjoyable anyhow.
After a while I found something weird on the table. Super funny 1 somehow. There's a Starbucks MUG left on the table. With some empty same logo plastic cups & some left over of New Zealands Ice Cream. I almost laughed out. Couldn't imagine who's so brave...or erm...intelligent to carry all those things from Starbucks cafe & indulged on them in CB. Plus Starbucks is quite a distance from my outlet. Haha. I know who did that. & they did make me "respect" them even more...
Today morning. I was on duty. Without my hair gelled nor put on my name tag. Then suddenly the VIP showed up. Our GM or whoever fren. & he's famous 4 expertise in complaints. Among those "good" staffs I mean. Thought I'm gonna get something but then I try my best to serve his needs. 1 time. 2 times. Then...he hand me a RM10 note while I passed him his to-go lattes. For u, he said. Hahahaha. Best thing ever. It's not about the $ but it's more to the appreciation.
Noon time. A fella from the money changer nearby came. 4 some free coffees perhaps I thought. Then he returned shortly with 5 small packets of lychee drinks 4 us. A while later another regular customer also showing up with a huge bucket of KFC. Need I say more? My lunch finally getting rid of breads & pastas & cakes & I don't even have to pay. Good huh? To me it's superb.
Last nite those my fellow workers in Oldtown (1 of them being famous for the sexy pic with me posted before in Friendster, but he's not here. Yet ) returned. At last. It's kinda good to meet & greet with them since we've thru quite something in the past. It's a relationship once shattered, but the best parts remain.

& rite before this blog appeared. I get a call while I was taking a nap. It was my xclassmate whom works in Shanghai now. The guy once I "parasited" when I travelled there, according AK. He's in our hometown now. On a short break. Which is good. We might have a chance to hangout next week. Though the talk over the phone to me is welcomed already.
Hmm. It's been a beautiful 2 days. & it's amazing.
After a while I found something weird on the table. Super funny 1 somehow. There's a Starbucks MUG left on the table. With some empty same logo plastic cups & some left over of New Zealands Ice Cream. I almost laughed out. Couldn't imagine who's so brave...or erm...intelligent to carry all those things from Starbucks cafe & indulged on them in CB. Plus Starbucks is quite a distance from my outlet. Haha. I know who did that. & they did make me "respect" them even more...
Today morning. I was on duty. Without my hair gelled nor put on my name tag. Then suddenly the VIP showed up. Our GM or whoever fren. & he's famous 4 expertise in complaints. Among those "good" staffs I mean. Thought I'm gonna get something but then I try my best to serve his needs. 1 time. 2 times. Then...he hand me a RM10 note while I passed him his to-go lattes. For u, he said. Hahahaha. Best thing ever. It's not about the $ but it's more to the appreciation.
Noon time. A fella from the money changer nearby came. 4 some free coffees perhaps I thought. Then he returned shortly with 5 small packets of lychee drinks 4 us. A while later another regular customer also showing up with a huge bucket of KFC. Need I say more? My lunch finally getting rid of breads & pastas & cakes & I don't even have to pay. Good huh? To me it's superb.
Last nite those my fellow workers in Oldtown (1 of them being famous for the sexy pic with me posted before in Friendster, but he's not here. Yet ) returned. At last. It's kinda good to meet & greet with them since we've thru quite something in the past. It's a relationship once shattered, but the best parts remain.
& rite before this blog appeared. I get a call while I was taking a nap. It was my xclassmate whom works in Shanghai now. The guy once I "parasited" when I travelled there, according AK. He's in our hometown now. On a short break. Which is good. We might have a chance to hangout next week. Though the talk over the phone to me is welcomed already.
Hmm. It's been a beautiful 2 days. & it's amazing.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
"May I have your name, sir?"
"Ou, Mr So" 他答,而我也就那麽樣地輸入。聼他半淡不咸的腔調,外國來的,我想。
"Where you come from, sir?"
"Hong Kong"好意外的答案,自他口中出來。我告訴他,我昨天剛從香港回來。我在那逗留了四天,而他,也恰巧來我們這兒四天。他領了所有東西,和太太小女兒一塊懶在沙發上,享受美好的假期。

"May I have your name, sir?"
"Ou, Mr So" 他答,而我也就那麽樣地輸入。聼他半淡不咸的腔調,外國來的,我想。
"Where you come from, sir?"
"Hong Kong"好意外的答案,自他口中出來。我告訴他,我昨天剛從香港回來。我在那逗留了四天,而他,也恰巧來我們這兒四天。他領了所有東西,和太太小女兒一塊懶在沙發上,享受美好的假期。
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
早前買了本"蘋果"雜誌,裏頭刊載了關於一場即將舉辦的Hunk Contest,我很欣賞喜歡的偶像,Steve, 是裁判之一。沒有太多的顧慮,只有很想要Steve簽名的白癡腦袋,我搖了電話,發了SMS,還到銀行存款進它們的戶口,還要了地圖,才買了兩張入門票。
Cynna Bar。在哪裏不知道。誰會吞了一張票也不知道。穿什麽衣服不懂,畢竟我不是浦吧kaki。更甚的是,如果那是Gay Bar怎麽辦?我可沒有逛這種場合的心理準備。收到它們寄來的票時,我笑了,好一張很"man"的票。暗地裏祈禱,沒有人會捏我的屁股。
慶幸。不是我想象的Gay Bar。但還是有點失望,不然我可以有藉口到這類場合大開眼界。
店外,恰巧Alan還在。我向前,說:"Excuse me, Mr Alan." 然後要了他的簽名。事實上,我比較想知道Steve去了哪裏。"Erm...I think he got a shoot or something"他邊簽名,邊答。噢,意料到的答案。
Cynna Bar。在哪裏不知道。誰會吞了一張票也不知道。穿什麽衣服不懂,畢竟我不是浦吧kaki。更甚的是,如果那是Gay Bar怎麽辦?我可沒有逛這種場合的心理準備。收到它們寄來的票時,我笑了,好一張很"man"的票。暗地裏祈禱,沒有人會捏我的屁股。
慶幸。不是我想象的Gay Bar。但還是有點失望,不然我可以有藉口到這類場合大開眼界。
店外,恰巧Alan還在。我向前,說:"Excuse me, Mr Alan." 然後要了他的簽名。事實上,我比較想知道Steve去了哪裏。"Erm...I think he got a shoot or something"他邊簽名,邊答。噢,意料到的答案。
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Holler Spice. The Wait Is Over!!

They've announced officially on their regrouping project in London. With the kicking off on a world tour in 11 big cities. Malaysia not included. Acceptable. Not even in Singapore. That's a bit problem there. But there'll be show in Beijing & Hong Kong. Both in January 2008. Enough of time 4 me to kill 4 tickets & to starved 4 the fees needed...to fulfil a dream!
But the thing is the tickets only available in kind of lottery matter. The lucky 1 chosen. No matter how huge the dick is nor how many cigarettes you take daily. I left my detail. Hoping really to get a chance. Probably the 1 & only opportunity in a lifetime. Catching them all 5 on stage,( Yeah, 5! not 4 ), would really be nothing beatable in the present time. Hmm... Ricky's exception anyway.
So. Expect to see & hear from them VERY often in the near future. There's been news on a greatest hits. & a possible new album. Will they ever offer us some new material? I hope so. It'll be marvellous to have a hand on their CD, after a so long time.
&...What will they dressed like is yet interesting. I wouldn't wanna see Melanie C in Nike or pony tailed Emma anymore. Let the old fashion memorable. Then let the anew spectacular. Wonderful isn't it?
Will their solo material performed in their coming world tour? That's highly acceptable. Imagine both the Mel duet on "Never Be The Same Again". Geri & Emma "Perhaps Perhaps Perhaps". Victoria unreleased "Open Your Eyes". Geri & B shouting "It's Raining Men". WOW! Imagination kills.
I never expect them to be starlicious again like they did before. But they're here again bringing some really good old memories. & put a stop to our wonder. Then farewell to their fans as a group. As 1.
The stage had been set. The time couldn't be better. All we need: Is to simply keep an eye. On the miracle come back of the viva 5!
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