Tuesday, January 20, 2009

别说我没办事!!! :)

我不毛遂自荐,却某种程度上成了一年一度UP6W gathering的organizer。所以,为了不让大家念到臭头,也尽量让大家有个难忘的reunion,我(们)决定:

时间:大年初一 260109
还是时间:傍晚 7:30PM (可以改)
哪里:晓慧家 (该是Duyung)
做啥:搞pot luck**!!!

**pot luck - 大家各别带些吃得饱的喝得下得,到某个朋友的家聚餐,小聚什么的。如果你现在知道它为何物,请大方承认你是山姑suagu!!! 毕竟我也被某人这么赞美过,呵呵。



二,看到uncle auntie要记得叫人,说些吉利的话,别让人说没礼貌。



五,pot luck不设限价码,也不规定谁带些什么,全看心意去到哪里。大概带足够一人份的量就好, agak agak一个意思。我们就看到时会不会有二十粒西瓜,十支coca-cola,却没有半点东西吃的局面...


七,还有什么?! 想不到咧...

八,读到这篇废物的诸位,请帮帮忙向那些不用facebook,也不写blog的挚友传达。澄清一下,从没有人说过gathering在初四搞,谣言不可轻信!!! 也请帮忙向某些黄种蕉翻译。


十,还可以哦? 谢谢谢谢,我那一点点(真的一点点)努力不算什么。

祝大家,一年比一年好,开心,健康,安稳。期待着我们的聚会。到时见 ^^


PS: 有问题的话尽管问,我答不上当白问。

Saturday, January 17, 2009

听着《Broken Strings》

他说:tim, saya tahu ada seorang yang you boleh rely on!! 然后奸嘴嘻笑。

带着兴奋,我问:yakeh? siapa?



我怪他,为何提起你? 为何让我明白自己的装备,是那么地不堪一击。轻轻一推,便能将最真实的一面窥见。


Sunday, January 4, 2009

Y'all Are Parts of Me.

Get complained for not replying any of the New Year's Sms by some frens. They said I'm lansi, sombong & showed me a silly Twins' Ah Kiu icon on MSN.

Well, what to do. For a lousy ass who's still using mobile without camera, no memory card & no flashy functions, I can only save up to around 100 Sms which speaks some part of my life.

So dear SOME, please be considerate as I had to keep on deleting Sms during the eve, which caused your wishes get thru only by the next morning. haha.

New year. New resolution. & I've decided to bring some of my past here.

"A guy donated blood for his girlfriend. When they broke up he wanted his blood back.D girl threw a bloody Kotex at him & said, I'll pay you in monthly installments." - ARIF 210806

"Life only travelled once.Today's moment becomes tomorrow's memory. Enjoy every moment, good or bad, because the gift of life is life itself. Enjoy the life! (^.^)
hey fren i read ur the latest blog today. So touching. Take care." - 淑蓉 260806

"Tim all the best in your career in this Year of the pig. May health & prosperity be with you" - Yuen 170207

"Wishing u a Happy and Prosperous New Year" - 建寿 170207

"A friend like u is nt like boobs coz every 1 sucks them. Nt like vagina coz it tears. you r like a penis coz it stands when needed." - 礼坤 140307

"你好聪明! 你太有才了,是的,有空给我写信" - 俊操 270307

"Oh my god! i cant believe u stil remember..haha touchy. thx boss! ald best to u too!" 晓晖 100407

"Oh great. I know you are good. Congrates." - 新洲 040507

"Tp mahu cr superman mcm u susah. Yg dpt, cicakman." - Romzi 050507

"Hey tim..When r u free 2 watch shrek? Watched oredi? Wat 2 do..Who r we? Not angel..Not steve..Not ricky..Not sarah..Not karen..Not hugh..Not blake..Just sigh!" - 克华 040607

Perhaps there's more to come. For the last line in the last msg, blake should changed to Daughtry then add another david nowadays...haha.

Thursday, January 1, 2009


昨晚,你们在哪里? 干了啥?


24小时前的365天,我在哪里? 干了啥?



新的一年,你们,我们会在哪里? 会干啥?

我想,我还会是这么个样,就像那时的弃旧图新, 延续着迎新不弃旧的作风。干得好,请你们鼓鼓掌,不然,默默地在背后笑话便好。

