Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Fire & Ice.

my friend once said I'm like Fire. easily get along, & bring everything near burn into arrays of flame.

which means i'm popular. sort of. merely on the wall of fake illusions.

i responded: yupe. bought everything up high burning, then left because i don't know how to put them off.

then this friend is like Ice. to me at the very least. freezing cool, tend to chill everyone near into statues of iceberg.

which means he's popular too. obviously. who doesn't want to try conquer & melt the icy behaviour?

he replied: *yawn* i only see ice through my eyes. Hahaha

when the 2 of us clash? is it going to be the End of the World? perhaps not.

2 of us are famous, with the different elemental character. i who like to put sparks in the group i'm in, he who try to chill away all the unwanted approaches he gets.

2 of us are poor, in the opposite site of social acts. i who would always turn people down by not keeping things warm, he who would disappoints himself by the Atlantic power of his.

2 of us are fake, what people see ain't what they are getting. i who have a diamond hard stone beyond all the smiles, he who has the warmest sparkle of light within all the stares.

when the 2 of us clash? i think it's going disaster. he will bring up the Best of his Ego, denying he's actually breaks easily. & i shall bring out just the ultimate power of Sun, to prove i'm impossible to freezed.

& the War has just begun. so as the fun.

Monday, January 25, 2010








又有些人,我们常见面,聊得很开,就像知道彼此肚里收着几条虫似的。一旦在网络上碰面,礼貌性地send了: HI, how are you? 再加一个笑脸,就完全停住了。忽然,彼此向陌生人版,说什么都像作假,刻意虚伪,会想到底应该说些什么。






Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Worried / 担心。

without a single doubt, i was utterly shocked, by your sudden appearance. hence, i asked: why do you come here?

i know, i must have looked uncomfortable. because i would have welcome you, just like i always did.

you smiled, & answered. what you've told, wasn't matter at all, it was the smile, that i couldn't understand. what lies beneath it, was what i wanted to know the most, but i moved my sight away.

"i tried to pull you back in the group so badly"

i worried. i wasn't ready.

afraid that what's kept in my mind might be easily seen. without a word, you can read them all. though i know they have actually shown, from the files & books i dropped during our short Q&A.

i'm not retarded. but as surprisingly as it is, i am, in front of you.

& i am. putting everything behind a shattering mask.


你说: 谈到我的偶像,我真的...



"Make sure you come to KL again. Or else...we fly to HK. hahaha. short & simple."



我记得我说,如果距离都已经那么近了,为何要刻意地将它拉开? 我想,那无非是勉强地把大家实在的一面加以掩饰,愚昧地骗自己说,大家都很完美。

我不记得你是否说,他还真是很真性情咧! 我没有异议,大家做回自己,不惺惺作态,那才是写实。正如我和你,不是吗?!


Monday, January 18, 2010

Calling all UP6W!!! you you you you!!!

due to the konon konon overwhelming responses to my JOB last year, i was highly acclaimed by many, or just SOMEONE, to continue my service again. kononlah. :D

so here we are again, in the year of the Tiger, reunite as 1 for the 10th times since 2000.

am i making a mistake here?! are we getting this old? :P

Date & Time: 14th FEB 2010 7PM
Venue: Seow Huey's new house ( yay!! new is the word we all like )
Nak Buat Apa: Pot luck

in case any of you really Sua Gu-er than me, not knowing what is Pot luck, please Google it before you ask. hehe.

but 1st of all, the venue is not finalised, i was informed by SOMEONE, she's OK for us to bring some mess to her house on that very 1st day of Lunar Calendar.

So, what are we gonna do this time? if we are really to celebrate the aging 10th Annivesary?

please give some ideas. I am just providing a discussion room here, i am not the ORGANIZER ya!! :P

but anyway, here are something:

1. remember our reunion night falling on Valentine as well. how bout we all dress up only red & white?

2. if SOMEONE is bringing watermelons, make sure you have the effort to slice them & then serve. :P

3. i'll really appreciate if we have more sushis from SOMEONE again. haha.

4. for SOMEONE and SOMEONE who don't Facebook, can somebody please inform them what we are all up to later? the more the merrier, the merrier the messier. unless we all really want them to be unseen. haha.

5. what else?!

6. please throw in all of your ideas & comments. rubbish are too acceptable lah.

wishing everyone prosper in the coming Lunar Year. like SOMEONE shouts always: HUAT ARRR!!!

& SOMEONE said: it's kolot. hahahaha.

ABU again. ;)

7. oh ya!!! this time i write in English, because SOMEONE don't understand their mother language. :P

Monday, January 11, 2010





日子好在于我,不是拥有大笔大笔的钞票,不是住洋楼驱开篷车。不是工作岗位多高,不是多被人器重,不是出国喝洋酒的多寡。不是别人浏览我的FB与blog多少回,更不会是有多少人在我的photo album留言。







Sunday, January 10, 2010





我想起很久很久以前,友人开始戏说我喜欢某某某同性时,他可以对我说:“ABU!! 要做的话敢敢去做,不要以后后悔”。



他写:i mean don't kacau me.. i am not gay. if u want to gay, gay other place





