Went to get some US dollar as I'm heading to the 7 wonders no more Angkor Wat this coming weekend. RM1001 & get only USD286 in return. Expensive rates perhaps. But the owner Mr. Omar already given me the best rates affordable I assumed.
Then I get back in my outlet. A staff told me: “Tu...Bernard Chandran kat sana. Cakap semalam mau jumpa dia kan?”
Mana? Mana? I asked. Looked around & no sign of Dato at all. “Mana ade? You tipu ke?” thought he's bluffin.
“Ade...tu...Hujung sana. Tengok betul-betul.” With the very much convining tune while waving his heading to the sofa side.
What? I see only 1 very fit guy donning a tight white T. With a small Batman logo on top. & the hairstyle somehow 70's mat salleh. Not to forget a pair of shiny Adidas black knickers. Come' on. He must be kiddin' me. Then he insists. & bet on RM20 with me...
Then I took a chance & have a good look. Apa!! Memang betul. It's Dato' Bernard. Far more smart than I assumed he would be. My fren told me he's put on weight lately. Your head, chicky boy.
& I start goyang. Wanna asked 4 his autograph but somehow kanzhiong. Without any reason. Unable to act normal as I could with Mr.Yee before. Perhaps it's his standard & level that make me paise. That's what make difference: those we really like & those just 4 so-so fun.
He's in the shop 4 quite long. Surprisingly he speaks Cantonese. Though he's a Chindian but still weird in some ways.
His frens asking 4 ice water. A golden opportunity 4 me to be pretentious I think. Served them 3 glasses of ice chilled water & of course I make sure there's no lips stain on it. Sure kena tembak if Dato Bernard get those “sexy” gift.
At last braved myself. Took a CB card & approached near Dato. He's quite surprised & asked: “4 who 1?” “4 me.” I answered.
“Your name?”
“Tim” & he started with: Dear Tim. Then scratching on the card. He drew a sketch of a lady in a gown on it, dropped his autograph & finished with his name & date politely. Shook his hand & thank him. Think I've covered my nervousness quite well.
So sincere & gentle of him I must say. It's always nice meeting up with big names & they're not hesitate on leaving down a line. Felt welcomed. It's an essence being big probably. No ego. No big head. Just fine.
Where's ur photo????
so gay as usual...
hey, this is my blog http://patricklifesharing.blogspot.com/
so what do you think?! ai reen?
anyway I do like this autograph very much. :)
walau,你真的是让我再度sakit hati到底。后悔后悔。
上面一行字是给Ai Reen的。哈哈。
一杯Mocha please,我比較愛喝這個:D
macha regular double shot. try this out next time. stronger taste at the same price...
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