Asked Donald Duck to come & pick me up aroumd 7pm. Told Tam-Chiak AK to wait in Sunway. But then duckie was late & AK is super punctual miraculously. So, silly SMS followed. & 1 of those is: "Fast fast! Wait I pit kau lan like Ah Pau how?" Haha. It's type of joke which some of my gang knows. Hope they don't mind 4 me being so straight this time.
I chose Sunway trying to catch a glimpse of my idol at the roadshow of the brand he represents. But both turned me down. Haagen-Dazs there had moved & my idol not seen again. Sighh...Ended up in Nando's. Silly duckie ordered a Extra Hot peri-peri chic kebab, & finished it with a whole plate of super hot sauce-mix. Shock ma! Accordingly. Then his face starts turned colourful. Pale & sesated. Poor him. Erm...padan muka also.
Not satisfied with the voucher expiring due. We checked with the receptionist in Sunway. "If I"m not mistaken the nearest 1 will be in Subang Parade." The lady with the expression & tune so muak. We headed there & proven she's mistake. Finally we've decided to go all the way to Bukit Bintang. Knowing it'll closed only at 1am.
"The thing is nice. But when it's FREE it's much more nicer." AK told duckie halfway. A fren so proud & generous to drive only when something free waiting, I must say.
After the long journey & the terrible jammed. At last we're there. Ordered a fondue. But abit dissapointed knowing the flavors are fixed & not selectable. & the taste is covered by the dark chocolate sauce after we dipped it in. The fondue is served with 14 mini scoops, some sliced fresh fruits, cookies & cake cubes. It's kinda plain actually though the quality is there. & personally I enjoyed the cake cubes very much. & we found it's nicer leaving the choc to turned cold on the dipper, forcing a choc sheild then only the real taste comes in.
AK ordered another single scoop of his all time favourite Green Tea flavour. 4 me another Mango & Panna Cota Raspberry. Single both. I rather indulged myself with the finest ice-cream with some gang in the relaxing envi. It's better than the fondue honestly. I left 1 of my favourite Tiramisu, on the God know when coming visit to Jogoya. Where they offer 6 free flow Haagen-Dazs flavors. Haha.
Cost me quite an amount just to get some source on blogging. Told AK again. He's always brightest in funny ideas. Then 2 of them peed in the open ground car park before we heading home late at 1 something. & put an end to the "Suck him dry. Suck her dry. Suck Kao." topic we've been laughing about the whole nite. Haha. Anyway, it's quite of a fun nite.

Knn, I am back from Angkor Watt. Later will post my blog followed by picture. Hehe.
Always Haagen Dazs..U should see how the children in Angkor Watt living then u will stop eating it. Super poor!
I always knew how grateful it is being able to indulge on things nice. Even a simple wantan mee. that's y i never waste anything. Especially helping those frens on buffet...
You write very well.
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