There's flood again. In our own country this time, the Northern state Kelantan.
I read this on the papers days ago. Having the thoughts of what's happening to our mother Earth now. The recent disasters in every part of the world, are they the warning to us again?!
'Sekarang dah tak macam dulu kan. Dulu kita dapat predict macam pukul berapa akan hujan. Sekarang hujan lebat bila bila masa saja' my staff said.
Then I looked out. Was kinda ready for the change of weather in just a minute, & the strike of thunder storms to follow, again. But the sky is clear, streets are calm, things are fine, which is rare.
Suddenly this thing cross my mind. What if...everything is unpredictable?!
I told my staff, 'what if suddenly snow falls here, right along the busy streets of Bukit Bintang?!'
'What if Dinosaur suddenly appears out from nowhere?'
'Itu tak mungkin. Macam mana salji nak turun kat sini?! Kita kan dalam zon Khatulistiwa' he said, as if I'm stupid.
Well. I've said, unpredictable. Which for sure don't judge based on any logic, or do they make any sense. He just don't get the idea.
If we looked back, is there anything ever happened in reality, which was beyond logic to us?! Says the typhoon in Malacca?!
I have no intention to talk too much about weather. Those would sounds way too commercial since 2012 is nearer. Tomorrow when I'm writing this. I was merely having my own imaginations, of a world without logic & predictions.
If a man can die out of a sudden, right when he's walking to his office, with no pain no nothing. As if he has fallen asleep.
If the quakes can happens anytime anywhere. We are no longer in a safe zone. Do we still have pity on those suffered the aftermath!?
If butterfly bites. If flies attack humans. If rabbit grows to the size of elephants.
If H1N1 vanished in the next day morning. If the rain never stops for more than 13 days. If there's no rules, no boundaries. If we, live at our own risk.
Chaotic!? I guess it is.
But I do believe, we will be more responsible for our deeds, with more respects & loves to life itself. For when we live in a world as such, eternal would seems far & away, we'll value each & every minute, before the next. There shall be twilight within the darkest of humanity. I believe.

PS: I doubted myself why I had these unreal imaginations, perhaps I was badly influenced by the upcoming 2012. Haha.
PS2: I went to purchased the ticket for tomorrow's show. From 7.30pm onwards, all left only 1st row! Unbelievable. & I said mother fucker to a friend. Which shocked him. Hahaha.