& I found this on HBO. King Kong. The blockbuster in 2005. It’s just surprising realized 2 years had passed since then.
With the splendid choreography & a smooth 3 hours of excitement, the movie is simply brilliant, isn’t it? But the ending, it’s definitely a sad song.
If we were all alone in a unfamiliar envi & were categorized as alienated monster, what would we do? & it’s just make sense enough that they’re gonna hunt us down to death instinctively.
“It’s was not aero plane. its beauty killed the beast”
But it’s obvious enough; its our unlimited desires arose from greed & selfishness that creates the tragedy.
We never learnt to understand, never taught to be considerate. Or is it we never try?! Even just a little bit?
I just wonder, the nearly extinction of many creature on Earth, we’re always the 1 & only to blame...