Dancing With The Stars? What kind of show is it? Never watched any of it till now. On Youtube. Simply because former Scary Spice.
Ever imagined if she really can dance? That's a question. Though I a HUGE fan of the "girls" but their dancing were always flat. Nothing much than simply tip-tapping & bootie shaking to be honest.
But this is different. She did getting back in shape. & with her trademark personality to kill, she's here to impress.
Melanie B succeeded. & leaving me with higher imagination of their coming reunification world tour.
Saturday, September 29, 2007


Sunday, September 23, 2007
可以体谅查基敏,JAZIMIN ABDUL JALIL的心情,有谁会希望自己失踪的女儿,或者任何的亲友,会是断了气的冰冷躯体。认了,等于放弃了继续寻找的可能。虽然,DNA的检验结果高达99.99%是小努汀,但还是有最后的0.01%的可能吧?
可以体谅查基敏,JAZIMIN ABDUL JALIL的心情,有谁会希望自己失踪的女儿,或者任何的亲友,会是断了气的冰冷躯体。认了,等于放弃了继续寻找的可能。虽然,DNA的检验结果高达99.99%是小努汀,但还是有最后的0.01%的可能吧?
Friday, September 21, 2007
The Trio Show!
It's yet another quiet day. So quiet even you can hear a dizzy sound of a tiny fly. The MOD's just not feeling so well. Thought of getting MC but changed his mind considering man-power shortage in the outlet.
Then this fella came in. From the neighborhood Causeway Bay Hongkie restaurant. He never ordered anything, even the cheapest honey stick which costs him only 50 cents each. & he asked 4 the WIFI password from the MOD.
The MOD knew what's this fella's up to. But since it's not such a BIG deal the he gave him the access anyway. & the guy returns to the restaurant so happily.
After a while he again returned. With the pretty much smiling faces telling: "I can't get into the Internet lah. Assumingly we owed him that & must fulfill his request anyhow. & a lady's with him this time. Both so kanine to be honest.
The MOD abit fed up this time. Just let his lady staff handled the duo with excellent explanation on the access. "Eh? Bukan customer sini? I ingat mereka tu customer kat sofa sana. Kalo tau saya tak kasi mereka..." Even the staff's surprised seeing the duo leaving the shop once they got served.
"Yalah. Kalo dia datang 1 kali lagi sure saya TIAO punya" the MOD confessed.
Mana tau our tiny world is full of surprises. There's a living creatures which don't know what shame is. Nor what respect means as well?
4 the 3rd time the guy came. Oh! Not the same guy this time. But he's carrying his laptop into the shop & telling "I'm still having problem connecting to the internet..."
Halo. He's got fucked this time. "Yalah. What do you think? This is not something 4 free ok, sir?" The MOD increased his volume this time.
"OK. Then I order something now is that fine?" The guy asked. "Anything would do."
The MOD don't even give a damn. Laughed at his silliness & walked away. He's got much duty to do than serving the ridiculous trio. After the lady staff given the guy his Mocha Ice Blended, then all 3 of them moved into the shop laughing. " Outside lah. I don't think inside can smoke what..."
Sohai punya. Is this what best describe them?!
Then this fella came in. From the neighborhood Causeway Bay Hongkie restaurant. He never ordered anything, even the cheapest honey stick which costs him only 50 cents each. & he asked 4 the WIFI password from the MOD.
The MOD knew what's this fella's up to. But since it's not such a BIG deal the he gave him the access anyway. & the guy returns to the restaurant so happily.
After a while he again returned. With the pretty much smiling faces telling: "I can't get into the Internet lah. Assumingly we owed him that & must fulfill his request anyhow. & a lady's with him this time. Both so kanine to be honest.
The MOD abit fed up this time. Just let his lady staff handled the duo with excellent explanation on the access. "Eh? Bukan customer sini? I ingat mereka tu customer kat sofa sana. Kalo tau saya tak kasi mereka..." Even the staff's surprised seeing the duo leaving the shop once they got served.
"Yalah. Kalo dia datang 1 kali lagi sure saya TIAO punya" the MOD confessed.
Mana tau our tiny world is full of surprises. There's a living creatures which don't know what shame is. Nor what respect means as well?
4 the 3rd time the guy came. Oh! Not the same guy this time. But he's carrying his laptop into the shop & telling "I'm still having problem connecting to the internet..."
Halo. He's got fucked this time. "Yalah. What do you think? This is not something 4 free ok, sir?" The MOD increased his volume this time.
"OK. Then I order something now is that fine?" The guy asked. "Anything would do."
The MOD don't even give a damn. Laughed at his silliness & walked away. He's got much duty to do than serving the ridiculous trio. After the lady staff given the guy his Mocha Ice Blended, then all 3 of them moved into the shop laughing. " Outside lah. I don't think inside can smoke what..."
Sohai punya. Is this what best describe them?!
Friday, September 14, 2007
After The Mean Alot Meal...
While I was halfway writing the previous story, 1 staff goyang-goyang into the office & ask: "You kenal Lim kan?"
"Ya, why?" I asked.

"Nanti dia mau datang sini. Problem besarlah." He informed & gelak-gelak. Sure he's hiding something I assumed. "Goyang ke?"
"Takdelah. You ingat saya Zamri ke?"
Then they laughed. Happily. They've always having problems working with LYP outlet manager.
I knew what he's about. It's my regular customer over KLP. He'd promised to hand me a set of Starbucks moon cakes box set before. & he was told I've been transferred to LYP. So...again I get something just so priceless all the way from far.
Then we had a talk in LYP. About some lousy company's management. & shared some ideas in a shop so calming.
Thanx again. I've been grateful.
"Ya, why?" I asked.
"Nanti dia mau datang sini. Problem besarlah." He informed & gelak-gelak. Sure he's hiding something I assumed. "Goyang ke?"
"Takdelah. You ingat saya Zamri ke?"
Then they laughed. Happily. They've always having problems working with LYP outlet manager.
I knew what he's about. It's my regular customer over KLP. He'd promised to hand me a set of Starbucks moon cakes box set before. & he was told I've been transferred to LYP. So...again I get something just so priceless all the way from far.
Then we had a talk in LYP. About some lousy company's management. & shared some ideas in a shop so calming.
Thanx again. I've been grateful.
Means Alot Meal.
Most of my colleagues, especially my dear outlet manager in LYP looked so sesat. As if they're gonna passed out & heading Padang Marsha straight forward.
Then I get a call. From my outlet manager in KLP. Whom I've worked with 4 a couple of months since I joined. She sound so serious. "Tim. You ade kerja ke hari ini?" She asked.
"Ade. Closing." I answered. Thought some BIG issue happened over KLP. & I'm the 1 responsible.
"Ok. Nanti I suruh staff saya hantarkan nasi eh. Hari ini saya beli nasi untuk semua orang." Surprisingly heart warming. & she got my long & loud "Thank You..." in return.
After a short while the delivery came. By 1 of my fav staffs in KLP. So attentive & well behaved. But pity him 4 being chosen to send just a small packet of chicken rice all the way to me.
Thanks to both of them 4 concerned about me even though I was not there. It's very much appreciated. & that's what makes life wonderful. Bit by bit.
Friday, September 7, 2007
Sakit Hati No More!!
After the sakit hati incident occurred the day before, again I returned to my position as usual. Expecting nothing else but 1 fine simple day.
Went to get some US dollar as I'm heading to the 7 wonders no more Angkor Wat this coming weekend. RM1001 & get only USD286 in return. Expensive rates perhaps. But the owner Mr. Omar already given me the best rates affordable I assumed.
Then I get back in my outlet. A staff told me: “Tu...Bernard Chandran kat sana. Cakap semalam mau jumpa dia kan?”
Mana? Mana? I asked. Looked around & no sign of Dato at all. “Mana ade? You tipu ke?” thought he's bluffin.
“Ade...tu...Hujung sana. Tengok betul-betul.” With the very much convining tune while waving his heading to the sofa side.
What? I see only 1 very fit guy donning a tight white T. With a small Batman logo on top. & the hairstyle somehow 70's mat salleh. Not to forget a pair of shiny Adidas black knickers. Come' on. He must be kiddin' me. Then he insists. & bet on RM20 with me...
Then I took a chance & have a good look. Apa!! Memang betul. It's Dato' Bernard. Far more smart than I assumed he would be. My fren told me he's put on weight lately. Your head, chicky boy.
& I start goyang. Wanna asked 4 his autograph but somehow kanzhiong. Without any reason. Unable to act normal as I could with Mr.Yee before. Perhaps it's his standard & level that make me paise. That's what make difference: those we really like & those just 4 so-so fun.
He's in the shop 4 quite long. Surprisingly he speaks Cantonese. Though he's a Chindian but still weird in some ways.
His frens asking 4 ice water. A golden opportunity 4 me to be pretentious I think. Served them 3 glasses of ice chilled water & of course I make sure there's no lips stain on it. Sure kena tembak if Dato Bernard get those “sexy” gift.
At last braved myself. Took a CB card & approached near Dato. He's quite surprised & asked: “4 who 1?” “4 me.” I answered.
“Your name?”
“Tim” & he started with: Dear Tim. Then scratching on the card. He drew a sketch of a lady in a gown on it, dropped his autograph & finished with his name & date politely. Shook his hand & thank him. Think I've covered my nervousness quite well.
So sincere & gentle of him I must say. It's always nice meeting up with big names & they're not hesitate on leaving down a line. Felt welcomed. It's an essence being big probably. No ego. No big head. Just fine.
Went to get some US dollar as I'm heading to the 7 wonders no more Angkor Wat this coming weekend. RM1001 & get only USD286 in return. Expensive rates perhaps. But the owner Mr. Omar already given me the best rates affordable I assumed.
Then I get back in my outlet. A staff told me: “Tu...Bernard Chandran kat sana. Cakap semalam mau jumpa dia kan?”
Mana? Mana? I asked. Looked around & no sign of Dato at all. “Mana ade? You tipu ke?” thought he's bluffin.
“Ade...tu...Hujung sana. Tengok betul-betul.” With the very much convining tune while waving his heading to the sofa side.
What? I see only 1 very fit guy donning a tight white T. With a small Batman logo on top. & the hairstyle somehow 70's mat salleh. Not to forget a pair of shiny Adidas black knickers. Come' on. He must be kiddin' me. Then he insists. & bet on RM20 with me...
Then I took a chance & have a good look. Apa!! Memang betul. It's Dato' Bernard. Far more smart than I assumed he would be. My fren told me he's put on weight lately. Your head, chicky boy.
& I start goyang. Wanna asked 4 his autograph but somehow kanzhiong. Without any reason. Unable to act normal as I could with Mr.Yee before. Perhaps it's his standard & level that make me paise. That's what make difference: those we really like & those just 4 so-so fun.
He's in the shop 4 quite long. Surprisingly he speaks Cantonese. Though he's a Chindian but still weird in some ways.
His frens asking 4 ice water. A golden opportunity 4 me to be pretentious I think. Served them 3 glasses of ice chilled water & of course I make sure there's no lips stain on it. Sure kena tembak if Dato Bernard get those “sexy” gift.
At last braved myself. Took a CB card & approached near Dato. He's quite surprised & asked: “4 who 1?” “4 me.” I answered.
“Your name?”
“Tim” & he started with: Dear Tim. Then scratching on the card. He drew a sketch of a lady in a gown on it, dropped his autograph & finished with his name & date politely. Shook his hand & thank him. Think I've covered my nervousness quite well.
So sincere & gentle of him I must say. It's always nice meeting up with big names & they're not hesitate on leaving down a line. Felt welcomed. It's an essence being big probably. No ego. No big head. Just fine.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Geram. Tercekik. & Sakit Hati. :)
It had been a very messy day.
Serving all sorts of customers. Fulfilling their needs from early morning till the time every normal human being heading home after their heavy workload. Nabuei! Is that word acceptable? Imagine you get loaded by problems non-stop & most of them were by some unexpected scenarios?! Hmm. Not that I'm tired of those stupid deeds but because of my silly behavior. 1 my frens understands well.
At that time I was busy dealing with my HQ IT fella. Concentrating on the PC screen with numbers like1950.10.10.20:1520. Something I'm not into & caused by unknown reason that an office PC would get some parental control. Funny? Yes. The outlet email get blocked. Perhaps some nasty staff surfing porns? But no way as only the email inaccessible...
OK. After settling down everything, it was 7 something in the evening. Khidmat Negara 4 3hours+. Then as I'm doing my last piece of paperwork browsing, I almost got heart attack. There's an Entertainment Slip signed by my Marketing Dept Manager. Reason: Bernard Chandran visiting KL Plaza...
Couldn't believe he's in the shop 4 quite sometimes & I had no idea at all. Rushed in & out the outlet at that certain time & never noticed him. Or I should actually praise myself 4 being so concentrating & attentive? Kanine.
Asked almost every staffs 4 not informing he's here. Some said: Saya ada cakap mah. Jerit jerit Dato Bernard Chandran kat depan tapi you buat macam tak tau saje...Some goes: Siapa ta you minat sangat sama dia? Then I jerit jerit like orang utan. Though I might looked more to a hyppo.
No wonder the salmon bagel ordered by the manager was left long in the kitchen at that time. He's busy sousou with Dato Chandran while I messed with numberic PC troubleshooting. I even saw his long listed bill but I never wondered who would've ordered that much?
Speechless. Like missing something huge. Like something so close & we're unable to see it.
Kinda idolised Dato Bernard Chandran. Proud of him being such a successful Malaysian?! Nah. I'm not patriotic typo. Something nasty because of his hunkish persona? That's what some of my dearest frens mindset probably. It's his achievements & his charismatic accents inspired me most. Something I wish I'll owned someday. It's a daydream worth dreaming of.
"You are as good as how you visualize yourself. So be positive."
"Once your soul is happy, you won't even be bothered by what goes on with other people."
Knew he owned a boutique in KL Plaza & I missed him once months ago. Think he's busy with his fashion industry in Europe nowadays but yet he appeared again unexpectedly. Sign.
I told my staff: Nasib baik bukan Spice Girls yang datang sini. Kalo tak, you sure kena punye. I definitely looked stupid. & I always know.
Serving all sorts of customers. Fulfilling their needs from early morning till the time every normal human being heading home after their heavy workload. Nabuei! Is that word acceptable? Imagine you get loaded by problems non-stop & most of them were by some unexpected scenarios?! Hmm. Not that I'm tired of those stupid deeds but because of my silly behavior. 1 my frens understands well.
At that time I was busy dealing with my HQ IT fella. Concentrating on the PC screen with numbers like1950.10.10.20:1520. Something I'm not into & caused by unknown reason that an office PC would get some parental control. Funny? Yes. The outlet email get blocked. Perhaps some nasty staff surfing porns? But no way as only the email inaccessible...
OK. After settling down everything, it was 7 something in the evening. Khidmat Negara 4 3hours+. Then as I'm doing my last piece of paperwork browsing, I almost got heart attack. There's an Entertainment Slip signed by my Marketing Dept Manager. Reason: Bernard Chandran visiting KL Plaza...
Couldn't believe he's in the shop 4 quite sometimes & I had no idea at all. Rushed in & out the outlet at that certain time & never noticed him. Or I should actually praise myself 4 being so concentrating & attentive? Kanine.
Asked almost every staffs 4 not informing he's here. Some said: Saya ada cakap mah. Jerit jerit Dato Bernard Chandran kat depan tapi you buat macam tak tau saje...Some goes: Siapa ta you minat sangat sama dia? Then I jerit jerit like orang utan. Though I might looked more to a hyppo.
No wonder the salmon bagel ordered by the manager was left long in the kitchen at that time. He's busy sousou with Dato Chandran while I messed with numberic PC troubleshooting. I even saw his long listed bill but I never wondered who would've ordered that much?
Speechless. Like missing something huge. Like something so close & we're unable to see it.
Kinda idolised Dato Bernard Chandran. Proud of him being such a successful Malaysian?! Nah. I'm not patriotic typo. Something nasty because of his hunkish persona? That's what some of my dearest frens mindset probably. It's his achievements & his charismatic accents inspired me most. Something I wish I'll owned someday. It's a daydream worth dreaming of.
"You are as good as how you visualize yourself. So be positive."
"Once your soul is happy, you won't even be bothered by what goes on with other people."
Knew he owned a boutique in KL Plaza & I missed him once months ago. Think he's busy with his fashion industry in Europe nowadays but yet he appeared again unexpectedly. Sign.
I told my staff: Nasib baik bukan Spice Girls yang datang sini. Kalo tak, you sure kena punye. I definitely looked stupid. & I always know.
Monday, September 3, 2007
Remember "You're Beautiful"?
A song wildly popular years ago. From a CD full with an array of nice songs to melt all the sorrows & pains away.
It was him. James Blunt. & now he's back with yet another new material. Of course from his very much anticipated follow up album.
Surprisingly. It's pretty much soulful & catchy. Just like all his songs would've had.
Flawlessly beautiful. Simple as that.
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