But then I gave it a try. Dang. I'm addicted. Though there's something there, say Fluff frens, which I adopted from the start but left forgotten & barely hoping it won't commit suicidal act. But there's still plenty applications that get us easier contacting frens in a fun & cute ways.
The news feed & mini feed are awesome. In seconds we're informed on the latest. & the photo album. Which I can arrange my photos neatly. The comments & updates are easily tracable. Simply brilliant.
Some said I kinda SOHAI to called up simply asking them to approve me. Some said I SOHAI juga laughing sillily halfway browsing Facebook.
Some called it a rubbish thing. Some said very leceh & boring.
Anyway anyhow, I found my interests there. & I know for myself what drew me there. & ermm...what kept me there. Haha.
I know!!Must be Steve Yap...SOHAI.
PS:Ur new layout look awsome!! Nice
you know me QUITE well...XD
I'm in Facebook. Start KI SIAO after Abu vampire MAKAN me!!!
yalo yalo. after i kena makan by somebody vampire, then thing's going KI SIAO.
& of course something more. haha.
After makan by ur vampire. I go find victim. I send request to my colleague sitting in front of me. And then ask her open facebook cos i sent sumthing to her. Then, she accepted the application. Me CIAK her! My 1st victim! Lolz...
that's the way it should be. somebody kinda forced to be CIAK by me. & i forced them to even start using Facebook.
so you do the same thing what?? so next time don't said i chase for things in SAMPAT way. haha.
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