He stepped into the shop, finds it different from normal days. Too quiet, as if all the equipments were dead. The silence, together with the heavy rain outside, chilled him.
"Oh No!!" He said to himself. Knowing what exactly is happening.
He checked the fuse. It's off, as expected. The heavy rain last night would have probably caused a short circuit. He switched it on, & re channel the power into all the machines.
Suddenly, one of the plug explodes. He was shocked, the noise & fire sparks scares him. Yet he pulled the plug out, while his staff ran away for safety. He didn't blame him for being coward, it's just a human nature to get protection. He ensured the plug is removed, & re on the main power supply.
"POP!!!" An explosion again. This time is not the plug, it's the safety fuse that blew.
He called the maintenance team, telling them what is happening. The guy told him to unplugged everything, make sure everything is not connected, switch on the power again & check the plugs one by one.
He has heard this same thing more than once. But this time is different, he was truly shocked that the explosion can recur even with all the plugs pulled out. 3rd time. 4th time. It's not some firecrackers, it's some pure power crossover that could have caused a tragedy.
Finally the maintenance guy came. Since he claimed it's a big problem he couldn't fix. The guy checked. Explosions again. 5, 6, 7...
Both of them were frighten. But they both have the responsibilities to get the problem solved. Luckily the fire never burns the their hands. Fortunately they were never injured when investigating. For one of them is expecting his 1st baby boy due out in a week or 2.
9. Total is 9 explosions. Somebody asked: "Aren't you afraid?"
"Well, what can I do? Do you expect me to ask some junior or low level to do the task?"
When they are responsible, they gotta stay firm no matter how worse the situation is. When we don't see, we think some jobs are easy, & the tasks are tiny. Every scenarios, merely makes him be more grateful. They makes him respect each & everyone around him even more.
A mistakes would have bring terrible ends to them, they knew, but they have no choice. They are just doing what is right.