But they are disappointing. 1 by 1.

The lame story was shown no matter how great the graphic effect is. It's just awkward when our characters are not up to our imagination. Especially X-Men 3, the biggest & weirdest bunch of silly acts.
1 of my frens even giving up hopes on the upcoming Iron man, his long awaited fav since the "Proton Cannon" days. He was so pissed with the powerless tea-sipping Magneto & the no "Photon Array" DR.DOOM. They are portrayed as weak & clumsy which cast my frens EGO fantasies to hell.
I do support him. They sucked BIG day.
But there are still something worth the waits. I've been soooo trilled by the "Batman Begins" years ago. & I watched it twice (or trice?) on the big screen. The more seriousness in bringing out Batman's origin just marvellous. Proven the stupid silly ideas are better off away from making a great movies.

The wait is nearly over since then. I'm just having high hopes on this sequel everytime I saw their posters in the cinemas. & of course because of The Joker. Played by late Heath Ledger. His nasty sinister looks are gonna make the movie kill.
"The Dark Knight". I'm keeping fingers crossed for another possible HITS worth a few times in the cinemas.
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