Again I changed the look here. Standby 4 some particular fella's viewing pleasure. In case they are of those choosy & sissy type. Haha.
The template before was chosen simply because the YOUTUBE videos posted would fit nicely. Simple as that. Never into green colour actually. So what do you think now, 斐斐? Especially? Calvert?!

&'s Caridee. Yesterday it was Ken Watanabe, now it's the previous America's Next Top Model winner. Gorgeous. Though none of the past winners never made their name HUGE, perhaps every1 would think they'll top the next cycle, or is it now nothing stands out stands long? But Caridee my fav winner still. From the only cycle I watched each & every episode.
The latest season on Astro never caught my attention. 4 I've already knows the outwitter. Sad. It was an accident. Or else I would stuck myself watching catfights every Monday nite instead...
Hmm, good try on the suspicious cover up!
erm... erm....
did you just mention me in your post?? 菲菲?
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