All you can eat. Already a good news to many. From Haagen-Dazs?! Gosh. That's a marvellous news to me. Perhaps to some of my buddies as well if they were indulged 4 free. No?!
RM33.9 exclusive taxes. It's quite a moderate price as a single scoop from them costs about RM10 usually. Erm...the flavors availability will be limited defininitely. But as long as the basic Vanilla, Choc & Strawberry are offered, it's pretty much acceptable.
Of course I do hope they are gonna offer a wider variety from their menu. Say Strawberry Cheesecake, Tiramisu, Mango, Green Tea etc. I'm already having imaginations scooping all my favorite ice cream by now.
So...Who's joining me? A journey into an event which will followed by a visitation to a dentist near by. Haha.
i want..................
thanks for the treat...
Adrian, no need to thanks for the mango creme, it's a small case...more than that wait till YOUR GOD KNOW WHEN B'DAY...
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