I don't think any1 who's into gaming, back then or now, would've never heard of Street Fighter.
It's 1 of the finest classic 2D fighting game that drew all the other titles such as KOF & those VS series.
I'm so into Street Fither during it's marvellous days. Played the games, read the mangas & watched the animes. Hardcore I must say. & I admit it.
Street Fighter III 3rd Strike. The last installment of the title, released in year 1999 was the best & my most fav of all, managed to draw my playing intentions each & every time I turned my PS2 on. It's been 2 years since I "stole" the game from my fren, & I'm addicted till now.
There's always a Street Fighter artwork on my blog's layout if any1 noticed. Sort of trying to keep some of my favourites at all time.
It's been ages since then. & I've already accepted that there's no more Street Fighter coming.
They're back. Shocked me the way Spice Girls reunited anounncement did.
Simply can't wait. For the upcoming STREET FIGHTER IV!
I guess someone is waiting for my challenge huh? Anyway, u r a 'tough' opponent ^_^
sure or not...
perhaps i can beat you with Chun Li while you're using a malfunction controller...
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