Thursday, November 22, 2007

Return Of My Favs! Not Spice Girls This Time.

Wow! It's an amazing coming year's end. Somethings ending & more creating another HUGE chapter.

Which is good. So good.

There's definitely lots of topics worth a space here. Of course. They're all of my undeniable favourites. & now I'm having difficulties to arrange the pieces. Which should be 1st & which deserves a follow-up.

It's hard. Really.

Let's start with this 1. Years ago when I still served myself in a certain musicafe over my hometown, & having wonders of how lives in KL would be like, she released her Greatest Hits album. Which made me so overwhelmed & the CD became my fav. Even till now.

Then she's been quiet. Disappeared from the limelight 4 a couple of years. Got breast cancer & she fought with so much courage.

Now she's back. With her 10Th album called 'X'.

"2 Hearts",is the 1st single from the album. Which I found not much surprising & was a bit disappointed. Then I realized her other songs leaked onto the net, & checked them out without any 2ND thought. & I was impressed.

She's just brilliant. & the songs are so KYLIE. If Spice Girls are my number 1 4 this coming Christmas, then she's definitely square off.

When the world out there is cold, & we've got lost with no directions. A return of those once touched our hearts are always welcomed. No?!

Hope y'all reading this enjoy the songs.


Anonymous said...

nice album cover ler...

tim queh said...

nice rite?! so nice they're all making a come back.

guess what? the duet of princess Jolin & queen Kylie actually is cover ver of the song "In My Arms".

Entitled 爱的抱抱. tak bleh tahan. & the song isn't that good compared to the original.

Anonymous said...

belum dengar lagi...will let u know...